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    atrielbe 发表于 2024-8-1 23:20:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览


    异度神剑X -Xenoblade Chronicles X Original Soundtrack

    Publication date 2022-12-27
    Topics Xenoblade, Games, WiiU, Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Nintendo
    Language English
    Item Size 7448650925
    main composer   Hiroyuki Sawano.
    Other  featured artists include mpi, David Whitaker, Aimee Blackschleger, Mika Kobayashi, Cyua and Sayulee.


    1 Black tar (Battle Theme) -feat. mpi, David Whitaker03:02
    2 Black tar (Skell no intro)02:28
    3 Black tar (Skell)03:06
    4 By my side -feat. Aimee Blackschleger (half)01:24
    5 By my side -feat. Aimee Blackschleger (no intro)02:47
    6 By my side -feat. Aimee Blackschleger (part 1 no intro)00:53
    7 By my side -feat. Aimee Blackschleger (part 1)01:36
    8 By my side -feat. Aimee Blackschleger03:03
    9 In the forest -feat. mpi05:10
    10 Melancholia (Squad Selection) -feat. Aimee, David Whitaker (short ver. 1)01:51
    11 Melancholia (Squad Selection) -feat. Aimee, David Whitaker (short ver. 2)02:37
    12 Melancholia (Squad Selection) -feat. Aimee, David Whitaker04:07
    13 NEMOUSU秘OUS (Mysterious ver. 2)02:51
    14 NEMOUSU秘OUS (Mysterious)02:50
    15 NEMOUSU秘OUS (Section 2 first half 2)01:55
    16 NEMOUSU秘OUS (Section 2 first half)01:37
    17 NEMOUSU秘OUS (Section 2 intro)00:33
    18 NEMOUSU秘OUS (Section 2)02:04
    19 PianoX1 (D91M Piano Ver. first half 1)01:46、
    20 PianoX1 (D91M Piano Ver. first half 3)01:27
    21 PianoX1 (D91M Piano Ver. fisrt half 2)01:53
    22 PianoX1 (D91M Piano Ver.)03:47
    23 PianoX2 (Wir fliegen Piano Ver. no intro)03:04
    24 PianoX2 (Wir fliegen Piano Ver. part 1)01:52
    25 PianoX2 (Wir fliegen Piano Ver. part 2)02:19
    26 PianoX2 (Wir fliegen Piano Ver. part 3)02:41
    27 PianoX2 (Wir fliegen Piano Ver.)03:51
    28 PianoX3 (Sylvalum Full Piano Ver.)02:51
    29 PianoX3 (Sylvalum No Intro Piano Ver.)02:46
    30 So nah, so fern04:39
    31 The key we've lost (Ganglion Battle)02:55
    32 The way -feat. Sayulee (cut 1)02:43
    33 The way -feat. Sayulee (cut 2)02:11
    34 The way -feat. Sayulee (cut 3)01:43
    35 The way -feat. Sayulee05:32
    36 Uncontrollable (Instrumental)03:45
    37 Uncontrollable03:45
    38 Wir fliegen (Overdrive Theme Game Ver.) -feat. Cyua01:29
    39 Wir fliegen (Overdrive Theme) -feat. Cyua04:55
    40 X-BT2 Wir fliegen (Overdrive Theme Instrumental)04:55
    41 X-BT3 (So nah, so fern Instrumental)04:39
    42 X-BT4 (D91M No Percussion Ver.)04:55
    43 Your Voice (Ending Theme) -feat. Mika Kobayashi05:01
    44 aBOreSSs (Prog Ares Battle)02:58
    45 aBOreSSs (Zu Pharg Battle)02:36
    46 no10=CR17S19S (nope)01:15
    47 no10=CR17S19S8 (cut 1)01:44
    48 no10=CR17S19S8 (cut 2)00:51
    49 no10=CR17S19S8 (cut 3)00:39
    50 no10=CR17S19S802:27
    51 no11=REARR.X (So nah, so fern Rearranged)03:03
    52 no1=CODENAMEZ02:53
    53 no2=THEMEX (short version)02:36
    54 no2=THEMEX05:17
    55 no3=NO.EX0104:13
    56 no4=D91M (Requiem)04:56
    57 no6=LP (part 1)02:20
    58 no6=LP (part 2)02:35
    59 no6=LP (part 3)01:28
    60 no6=LP (variation 1)04:39
    61 no7=G-LOW-S→F.S.K.O (Section 2 first half)01:07
    62 no7=G-LOW-S→F.S.K.O (Section 2)01:58
    63 no7=G-LOW-S→F.S.K.O03:27
    64 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 1 full)04:28
    65 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 1 part 1)01:11
    66 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 1 variation 1)02:28
    67 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 1 variation 2)02:34
    68 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 2 Cut 1)00:48
    69 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 2 Cut 2)00:42
    70 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 2 Cut 3)00:56
    71 no8=UN↑口and巨DIE (Section 2)02:38
    72 no9=MONOX03:14
    73 raTEoREkiSImeAra02:50
    74 z10b2r0i1e2f0i9n1g302:14
    75 z12e201v2e091n4t (Danger full)03:24
    76 z12e201v2e091n4t (Dangerous)02:38
    77 z12e201v2e091n4t (Ganglion Base)02:00
    78 z12e201v2e091n4t (Section 3)02:12
    79 z13e20v12e09n14t (Section 1 first half)01:45
    80 z13e20v12e09n14t (Section 1 full)03:23
    81 z13e20v12e09n14t (Section 1 variation middle part)00:57
    82 z13e20v12e09n14t (Section 1)02:50
    83 z13e20v12e09n14t (Section 2 middle)00:24
    84 z13e20v12e09n14t (Section 2)03:03
    85 z15f20i12e09l14d (Celica's Theme)03:05
    86 z16b2gu012ro09u1su4 (intro)00:50
    87 z16b2gu012ro09u1su402:50
    88 z23s20a12m0a9-1r4u (part1)02:21
    89 z29ba2t0t1l301e17 (Ganglion Skell Battle)02:50
    90 z37b20a13t01t08le02:38
    91 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (Section 2)02:10
    92 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (cutscene end)00:15
    93 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (full game ver.)03:53
    94 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (full)03:04
    95 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (intro)00:20
    96 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (variation 1)01:14
    97 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (variation 2)00:45
    98 z39b20co13mi01cal09 (variation 3)05:48
    99 z39b20co13mi01cal0901:36
    100 z5m20i12r04a28 (Section 2)02:12
    101 x02 00 (undefined)02:44
    102 x08 00 (undefined)02:42
    103 x10 00 (undefined)04:57
    104 x13 00 (undefined)02:11
    105 x13 01 (short undefined)00:57
    106 x19 0002:14
    107 x19 0100:38
    108 x29 00 (Sylvalum Cave)02:33
    109 x31 0003:17
    110 x32 0101:17
    111 x38 0003:04
    112 x47 0003:48
    113 qev08520102:58
    114 qev08540501:25
    115 xs0409010002:21
    116 xs0412010004:47
    117 xs0506010001:35
    118 xs0512010001:30
    119 xs0514010004:51
    120 xs0516010004:04
    121 xs0601005002:59
    122 xs0608010003:30
    123 xs0612010002:06
    124 xs0802010003:28
    125 xs0806010001:49
    126 xs0807010004:43
    127 xs0816010001:54
    128 xs0906010004:42
    129 xs0909010002:13
    130 xs0911010003:16
    131 xs1004010003:17
    132 xs1006010002:22
    133 xs1007010001:56
    134 xs1109010004:16
    135 xs1110010006:34
    136 xs1207015001:14
    137 xs1213010004:33

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